FIEP is an association of national Gendarmeries and Police Forces with Military Status. The goal of FIEP (which started with the military forces of France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal) is to broaden and strengthen the mutual relationships, to promote an innovative and active reflection on the forms of police co-operation, and to value its model of organisation and structures abroad.
The Association facilitates, in accordance with current international agreements and national regulations, the exchange of information and experiences in the following sectors:
- Human resources (including training and recruitment);
- Service Organisation;
- New Technologies and Logistics;
- International Affairs.
As of today, FIEP comprises the following Members:
- Gendarmerie Nationale, France (1994)
- Arma dei Carabinieri, Italy (1994)
- Guardia Civil, Spain (1994)
- Guarda Nacional Republicana, Portugal (1996)
- Jandarma, Türkiye (1998)
- Koninklijke Marechaussee, The Netherlands (1999)
- Gendarmerie Royale, Morocco (1999)
- Jandarmeria, Romania (2002)
- Gendarmeria Nacional, Argentina (2005)
- Carabineros, Chile (2005)
- Gendarmerie Forces, Jordan (2011), since 2020 Jordanian Directorate of Public Security
- Lakhwiya Forces, Qatar (2013)
- National Guard, Tunisia (2016)
- National Council of the General Commanders of the Military Police, Brazil (2016)
- National Security Forces, Palestine (2017)
- National Guard, Ukraine (2017)
- National Gendarmerie, Djibouti (2018)
- National Guad, Kuwait (2019)
- Gendarmerie Nationale, Senegal (2019)
- Corpo della Gendarmeria, San Marino (2022).
- General Inspectorate of Carabinieri of the Ministry of Interior, Republic of Moldova (2023)