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Tunisia – anti-terrorist operation

 The research and inspection team of the National Guard in Sidi Bouzid in the middle-East of Tunisia managed to uncover a Tikfiri cell consisting of 09 elements aged between 21 and 27, including those who had previously been involved in terrorism-related cases and those who were among the terrorist groups in Syria. Investigations also revealed [...]

By |2018-06-11T09:30:20+02:00January 3rd, 2018|Member News|0 Comments


The Carabineros de Chile present the second edition of its Manual of Doctrine an Ethics Code in order to celebrate its 90th Anniversary on April 2017.   The first edition was published in 2010, which consolidated and systematized a set of publications issued some decades ago in the institution related to its doctrine and ethics. [...]

By |2018-06-11T09:30:20+02:00September 14th, 2017|Member News|0 Comments

Twinned initial training for French and Spanish gendarmes: the agreement has been signed

On August 23rd 2017, the Minister of Interior of Spain, Mr Juan Ignacio Zoido Àlvarez, and his French counterpart, Mr Gérard Collomb, were welcomed in the Gendarmerie nationale headquarters by General Richard Lizurezy. The Director of the Guardia civil, Mr José Manuel Holgado, was also present. This official visit started with a minute of silence [...]

By |2018-06-11T09:30:20+02:00September 5th, 2017|Member News|0 Comments

On holiday in Portugal? The Guarda Nacional Republicana, along with their Spanish and French colleagues, works for your security !

During this summer, you may be visiting the Algarve, Lisbon or Setubal, some of the most beautiful places in Portugal. Here is how the Guarda Nacional Republicana ensures your security 24/7.   The operation « for a safe summer » (« verao seguro » in Portuguese) aims at facilitating the access to the security forces to the thousands of [...]

By |2018-06-11T09:30:20+02:00July 17th, 2017|Member News|0 Comments

The Tunisian National Guard prevents a 15th-century Torah scroll from being smuggled out of the country

In March 2017, the Tunisian National Guard announced they had prevented a 15th-century Torah scroll from being smuggled out of the country.   The arrest of the suspects was allowed by an information which stated that the Torah scroll was about to be transferred to Europe in a larger antiquities smuggling operation. The rare Torah [...]

By |2018-06-11T09:30:20+02:00July 11th, 2017|Member News|0 Comments

Deep Web: myth, legend or truth?

Thousands of articles try to explain what the Deep Web is. Most of them provide examples based on the different parts of an iceberg, which is divided into levels each of them containing some kind of information. How do these levels increase encryption proportionally to their depth? And, even more important, how does the content [...]

By |2018-06-11T09:30:20+02:00April 12th, 2017|Member News|0 Comments

Argentinean gendarmerie seized more than 5 tons of marijuana conditioned in wooden drawers

This police operation is the result of a researching tasks originated as a result of an anonymous complaint. Gendarmerie Nacional Argentina, in the framework of the fight against drug trafficking carried out with the support of the Ministry of National Security, seized 5,173 kilograms of 518 grams of pot marijuana hidden in wooden crates. The [...]

By |2018-06-11T09:30:23+02:00January 10th, 2017|Member News|0 Comments


On 07 December, the European Gendarmerie Force leading body, the High Level Interdepartmental Committee or CIMIN, met in Roma to consolidate one year of activities and pave the way for future challenges. Lieutenant General Tullio Del Sette, Commander of the Carabinieri Corps and CIMIN President, officialised the significant achievement of 2016, including: -   the continued [...]

By |2018-06-11T09:30:23+02:00December 15th, 2016|Member News|0 Comments

Gendarmeries of the world Directory

The French National Society for the history and heritage of the gendarmerie has just issued a “Gendarmeries of the world Directory”. Written both in French and in English, this exceptional work gathers all the characteristics of 45 gendarmeries or alike forces existing in the world. Conceived for private individuals, French administrations and foreign institutions, international [...]

By |2018-06-11T09:30:23+02:00September 21st, 2016|Member News|0 Comments

France – Works on the fight against malicious drones

The threats posed by the use of civil drones have been exemplified by several incidents in the last months: mid-air collisions between planes and drones in the vicinity of airports were just avoided; sensitive sites, such as nuclear plants, were illegally overflown by drones; etc.   To tackle this issue, a report was presented to [...]

By |2018-06-11T09:30:24+02:00April 20th, 2016|Member News|0 Comments